Latin American Autors

  • I start reading since i had 10 years old, because my best friend's sisters back then loved so much reading so she read like 3 books at month, so i got curious to know why she like so much on reading and i read my frist book, shadow hunters, but i don´t even finished, now i´m reading hush hush and i´m gonna start with crecendo. Well i´m not that fast at reading, but a i read like 3 books at year, i mean, is not that bad :(

Pedro Calderón de la Barca

 Resultado de imagen para pedro calderón de la barca

Pedro Calderón de la Barca was born in Madrid on January 17, 1600 noble family. He was educated at the Imperial College of the Jesuits in Madrid, where he became familiar with classical Latin poets. In 1614 he enrolled in the University of Alcalá and, the following year, in Salamanca, where he studied Canons and Law until 1620.

He was a soldier in youth and a priest in old age, which was quite common in the Spain of his time. In his young years his name appears to be involved in several violent incidents, such as an accusation of homicide and the violation of the cloister of a convent of nuns. Of his military life there is little news, although it is evident that he took part in the campaign to quell the rebellion of Catalonia against the Crown (1640).


Calderón writes mostly comedies and autos sacramentales. Towards 1623 it releases his first comedies and soon, Felipe IV turns to him into official dramatist of the court. Nevertheless, its moment of greater splendor begins from 1642, when it retires of the army and enters the service of the Duke of Dawn. In this period he enjoys a period of tranquility to devote himself to literary creation. For the palace parties he composed many works.

In the style of his comedies you can see two trends: one that closely follows the realist, national and local theater of Lope and his school, represented by the "swashbuckling comedies"; and another, differentiated from the previous style, more personal. This tendency includes more poetic and symbolic comedies, with an intensification of lyrical values ​​and ideological content. In this second line the characters acquire greater schematization and dimensions of universal symbols.

Their main comedies can be classified in:

- Comedies of history and Spanish legend: The Mayor of Zalamea 

Resultado de imagen para el alcalde de zalamea calderon de la barca

- Comedies of honor and jealousy: The doctor of his honor

Resultado de imagen para el médico de su honra calderon de la barca

- Sword and Eater Comedies: The Elf Lady 

Resultado de imagen para la dama duende calderon de la barca

-Philosophical comedies: Life is a dream

Resultado de imagen para la vida es un sueño calderon de la barca

- Fantastic and mythological comedies: The daughter of the air

Resultado de imagen para la hija del aire calderón de labarca
