
personal opinion

I find something very interesting in the stories of some of the authors, they are so engaging that I can imagine everything without any effort. Their stories invite me to continue reading to the point that sometimes I start to read and I do not stop until I realize the time, and it is because I know how to make chapter after chapter the story unfolds in an intriguing way that we can even come to feel identified or simply that we already read it as if it were our own opinion. how many books do you read in the year? I do not really read too many books a year, since my reading speed is very slow, because although when I start reading I can not stop, when I stop reading it can happen without me touching a book, but lately I'm sorry to correct that. I do not usually read many physical books, but the few I read are 300 to 500 pages and I must admit that I read everything complete. I usually read more books on a platform called wattpad, and I read approximately one book a month. I...

Latin American Authors

Pedro Badrán Pedro Badrán was born in Magangué (Bolívar). He won the National Short Novel Prize of the Mayor's Office of Bogotá in 2000 with the play El día de la mudanza. He has also published the novel Lecciones de Vértigo (1994) and two storybooks Simulacros de amor (1996) and El lugar difícil (1985). Some of his stories have been included in various anthologies such as Und Traümten vom Leben (And they dreamed of life, Zürich, 2001), Contemporáneos del porvenir (2000), Líneas aéreo (1999), New Colombian tale (1997) and Erzählungen aus Spanisch America: Kolumbien (1997). He was editor in chief of the magazine Cromos, a reporter and editor of the newspaper La Prensa, and a contributor to the magazine Credencial and the newspaper El Espectador. Hotel Bellavista and other tales of the sea "Margarita among the pigs" "Bellavista Hotel and others tales of the sea"   - the day of the move Evelio Rosero Rosero was born in Bogotá but was raised i...

Latin American Autors

I start reading since i had 10 years old, because my best friend's sisters back then loved so much reading so she read like 3 books at month, so i got curious to know why she like so much on reading and i read my frist book, shadow hunters, but i don´t even finished, now i´m reading hush hush and i´m gonna start with crecendo. Well i´m not that fast at reading, but a i read like 3 books at year, i mean, is not that bad :( Pedro Calderón de la Barca   Pedro Calderón de la Barca was born in Madrid on January 17, 1600 noble family. He was educated at the Imperial College of the Jesuits in Madrid, where he became familiar with classical Latin poets. In 1614 he enrolled in the University of Alcalá and, the following year, in Salamanca, where he studied Canons and Law until 1620. He was a soldier in youth and a priest in old age, which was quite common in the Spain of his time. In his young years his name appears to be involved in several violent incidents, such as an accus...

English Project

Student: Ruiz Rincon Nicole Tatiana Grade: 8C In this project we want answer the question asked bye the field of public rights and freedoms. How to recognize the aesthetics of some artistic trends to describe the narratives that circulate our surroundings, highlighting the value of latin american works?